She has been heavy on my mind for many years.
Between the two of us, we shed our share of tears.
She takes to more than one bodily human form.
All she craved was to be held just right.
Her musical tune always reflected her internal fight.
Everything was a problem, with only a life or death solution.
But it was I that wound up in an institution.
Her melody brings overwhelming chills.
Her sorrows could not have been fixed with a thousand pills.
During her melodramatic gloom, she pulled me closer.
I wanted to relate, but I think she enjoyed feeling misunderstood.
She believed that only I could bring her back to reality.
The woes were draining.
In her mind, it was always raining.
It was everyone else who caused her the pain she was blaming.
I wish her true happiness, but trouble always seems to follow.
I long for the day there is an end to her mental wallow.
How do I say this without sounding so shallow?
I hope she never leaves behind her soulful sound.
If you are reading this, I hope that life has begun to turn around.