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Mine Enough.


He could deliver my favorite chai tea to work every morning

He could stage bouquets upon entrance of every car ride

He could provide unwarranted financial support to any of my binds

He could clean up the emotional messes recklessly created that could potentially torch pre-existing bonds


He asks me to share my every whereabouts

He asks me to check in if my adulterant “Girls’ Night” lasts a little too long

He asks me for commitment

He asks me to give him the same communication and respect he gives me

Exclamatory spoken, “this is not my fault. I have done nothing wrong nor do I deserve this.”

He shows me back bone

He becomes resistant

He instilled some fear that he might actually leave me

So, before that happens...

I banish him, his requests, and his overprotective nature


He just was not “mine” enough for me.


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